New Beginnings
Telling a story of redemption through spellbinding synthpop
Premiering at Adelaide Fringe 2024, Madam Nightingale’s exciting collaboration with Cloutie Will, ‘New Beginnings’ is a gripping musical performance including spoken word and interpretive dance, elegantly storytelling what it means to be human.
Cloutie Will (emerging rap artist, Sarah Dwyer) expresses the full range of emotions as a "fallen woman" seeking a personal path to redemption.
Madam Nightingale (synthpop artist, Phaedra Gunn) sends the joy of art from the celestial world of the ether back unto the earth as Cloutie’s personal goddess of song.
Cloutie Will and Madam Nightingale perform a transcendent contemporary rap and 80s influenced synthpop show that's not to be missed.
Event & ticketing details
Book ticketsAccessibility
Dates & Times
WHEN | Sat 8 Feb 8:40pm |
DURATION | 1hr |
FULL | $28.00 |
CONC | $24.00 |
COMPANION | FREE - please email [email protected] to arrange |
EARLYBIRD | 15% discount at checkout on full price tickets until 11pm 17 Dec 2024 |
The Motley Bauhaus - Cabaret Stage
118 Elgin St, Carlton
Get directionsTram
1, 6 to stop 112 (Lygon St/Elgin St) | tram 96 to stop 13 (Johnston St/Nicholson St)Event notes
Melbourne PremiereWARNINGS
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