Contact Us
Nocturnal Ft Nakhane Image By Alexis Desaulniers Lea
The Midsumma Office
Current Address:
Level 6, The Greek Community Centre
168 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
03 9296 6600
[email protected] (general enquiries)
[email protected] (ticketing enquiries)
Complete our contact / feedback form below
If your feedback is related to Disability Inclusion and Access, please use our dedicated form available on our DIAP page. This helps us address your feedback more effectively.
If you would like to contact us but neither the form above, nor the online form below, are accessible to you, you can contact [email protected] with any of the following methods:
- Voice Memo
- Request Zoom Meeting (in English or Auslan)
- Auslan Video
Content of Artworks
If you're providing feedback about the content of specific art projects, please keep in mind that a portion of our program is open-access - meaning it is produced by independent artists rather than by Midsumma itself.
In both the Midsumma-curated and open-access programs, Midsumma supports freedom of artistic choice and expression. All works in our programs are required to meet broad community standards, consider their purpose and appropriateness for relevant audiences, and adhere to Midsumma’s Anti-Discrimination Policy.

About Midsumma
Midsumma Festival is Australia's premier queer arts and cultural festival, bringing together a diverse mix of LGBTQIA+ artists, performers, communities and audiences.
About Midsumma
Midsumma History
Since 1988, Midsumma Festival has been Victoria's premier gay and lesbian arts and culture festival, presenting an annual community celebration and encouraging the development of innovative artistic content and a unique cultural experience.
Midsumma history